Joseph Munoz, third-year student at STCL Houston, originally wanted to pursue a career in litigation in Texas and he knew the law school had a very good network in the region.
When he graduates next May, his career path will take a slightly different turn. He will become a transactional real estate attorney at the Husch Blackwell Austin office. He applied there through the Sunbelt Recruitment Program, which he learned about through the Career Resource Center (CRC) at the law school.
“I discovered the incredible opportunity it afforded underrepresented students to be able to get a bite at firms that may not be local to Houston or offer on-campus interviews at South Texas. Given my background in Austin, I asked to be placed in the Austin office.”
The CRC helped Munoz refine his applications, practice for interviews, and create a timeline of what to expect when going through the recruitment process. By explaining clear expectations, they also helped him manage the stress associated with the application process during the stressful and important first year of law school.
His primary career goal is to eventually become a partner in a law firm, but he also is interested in potentially running for a local elected office. “No campaign signs have been created yet, but it’s a consideration.”
He shared some advice for others going through the recruiting process. “Understand the application process and remember that securing a job can happen through a variety of opportunities. If you don’t succeed through one method, give another a try. Sometimes just talking about your situation aloud to an attorney helps point you in the right direction.”
Munoz shared information about professors who have made a big impact on him at South Texas law. “Professor Goodman (now associate dean), my Legal Research and Writing professor, was a tremendous support and inspiration for me. LRW was a pivotal class because it really focused on the importance of what attorneys primarily do: write. The lessons she taught in how to convey information and present your arguments have stuck with me and made me a better writer.”
Beyond the classroom, Munoz noted that Prof. Goodman has been “someone I would turn to during my times of stress who would reassure me, even when that reassurance was a simple ‘take a walk and then just do it.’ She motivated us to overcome the fear of rejection through hard work and by continually taking chances.”
During school, Munoz has been involved in a variety of student organizations, including the Hispanic Law Students Association and OutLaw. He was a Student Bar Association student mentor last year and is currently vice president of the STCL Texas Exes and executive editor of Currents International Economic Law Journal.
When not studying, Munoz enjoys trying new sports and hobbies — most recently playing volleyball in a social sports league.
“STCL Houston provides a great base of connections through the alumni network eager to help you along in your career,” he said. “I’m looking forward to joining that network.”