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Open House Set Sept. 30 for Agosto Justice Center’s Renovated Space at STCL Houston

Home Law School News Open House Set Sept. 30 for Agosto Justice Center’s Renovated Space at STCL Houston

South Texas College of Law Houston will host an open house Sept. 30 to celebrate the completion of the expanded, renovated space for the Agosto Justice Center for Leadership and Empowerment.

The Agosto Justice Center, previously named the Benny Agosto, Jr. Diversity Center, supports the law school’s diverse community of students, faculty, staff, and alumni through an array of programming including workshops, lectures, opportunities for topical discussions, educational materials, and more. 

As the law school made plans to complete signage for the newly renovated space on the Tower Building’s third floor, the Agostos approached South Texas Law with the idea of creating a new name that would reflect the center’s desired outcomes: to help students understand their key role in creating a just society; to prepare them to lead in the legal profession; and to empower them for a successful future.

Founding donor Benny Agosto, Jr. said, “Nikki and I are thrilled that the updated, welcoming space will provide the whole campus with many opportunities to engage with one another and to grow together. We love South Texas and its mission, and we wholeheartedly believe The Agosto Justice Center for Leadership and Empowerment will strengthen the community and continue to bring together people from every background, color, creed, nationality, and viewpoint.”

Mr. Agosto is a member of the law school’s board of directors and is managing partner of the Houston-based firm Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz, & Stogner.

Everyone is invited to come and tour the center and visit with the center’s faculty and staff on Sept. 30 during the come-and-go event from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

“We are very grateful to the Agosto family for making this center possible through their generous gifts,” said South Texas Law President and Dean Jeff Rensberger. “We look forward to seeing the new space bustling with activity this fall.”

View photos from the ribbon cutting for the newly renovated space here: Agosto Center Ribbon Cutting

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