Books, Boots, and Barbecue: Exchange Students at South Texas Law Enjoy the U.S. Experience

Home Law School News Books, Boots, and Barbecue: Exchange Students at South Texas Law Enjoy the U.S. Experience

The seven exchange students attending South Texas College of Law Houston this fall — five from Aarhus University in Denmark and two from Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic — spoke highly of the professors and students, the friendliness of everyone they met, Houston’s dining and cultural opportunities, and the welcome they felt throughout their experience.

They were a bit surprised by the Houston heat, the number  of cars on the roads, and the limited options for consistent public transportation.

The student participants were Adela Stepankova and Vojtech Strouha from the Czech Republic and Laura Damgaard, Olivia Hald, Ingeborg Hojbjerg, Johan Rasmussen, and Victoria Thorup from Denmark.

“Everyone has been really kind to us, and I have made friends I’ll stay in touch with forever,” said Stepankova from Prague. “Classes were interesting and challenging, as English is not our first language, and it was new for us to have professors call on us in class to talk about cases. You have to be prepared. We had fun, too. We went line dancing, and we actually got our own boots. We even rode the bull!”

Thorup and Hojbjerg from Denmark were friends for four years prior to signing up for the exchange program at South Texas Law. “We had an idea about Texas, but actually seeing people walk around in boots and hats and holding doors and saying hello to everyone — it was so interesting. Culturally, very, very different from home,” Thorup said.

For the Danish students, in addition to learning in their second language — English — they also had to learn the language of common law. Denmark’s system is based on statutory law.

Also, in both Denmark and the Czech Republic, law students primarily sit in class and listen to lectures. The exchange students found the interaction with professors and other students in South Texas Law classes to be engaging and helpful to their learning.

The students took several of the same classes while on campus, and some chose specific classes that aligned with their interest or future career path. Classes they experienced included Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Family Law, Contracts I, Marital Property and Homestead, Entertainment Law, Criminal Law, International Law, Global Lawyering seminar, and Legal Research and Writing I.

Director of International Programs Katerina Lewinbuk, the Wayne Fisher Research Professor and professor of law, meets with the foreign students before their class registration to provide guidance on course selection. She led a group of American students and professors in South Texas Law’s study abroad program to Prague the past few years, so the students from Prague in this semester’s exchange program had a chance to engage with South Texas Law students and faculty prior to coming to Houston.

“We had already decided to come by the time we met them, but getting to know them definitely confirmed our decision,” said Stepankova. “It helped us get through the first weeks of school, knowing we had someone we could rely on and ask all those silly questions when you first arrive in a new place.”

Strouha went home during the semester to attend a special family event, and he wore his new boots from Texas. “They were a hit; everyone loved them!” he said. “They all wanted to know about Houston.”

He said his biggest surprises about the experience were how difficult it is to get around in Texas without a car, how intense the school workload is, and “how real and ever-present the famous Southern hospitality truly is.”

All the students said the opportunity to enjoy Texas barbecue and Tex-Mex cuisine was a definite plus.

Hald from Denmark enjoyed exploring the country, traveling to other cities and states on weekends and school breaks. “Everything really is bigger here, and there is so much to do and see,” she said.

The study abroad program to Prague will begin accepting applications from South Texas Law students Jan. 15. Students can read more about the program here:

The exchange program will continue in the future, and Lewinbuk looks forward to the next group of students who will be chosen to make the journey to Houston. In addition to the STCL Houston summer abroad program, two South Texas students are planning to spend the upcoming spring 2025 semester studying at Charles University in Prague.

“The cultural and academic exchanges between our students and the students who come from various places in the world are truly valuable and enrich learning for everyone involved,” Lewinbuk said. “Our students enjoy having the international students here as much as the international students love coming to Houston. It’s a great opportunity for all of them to make global connections.”

To learn more about the Study Abroad program, click here: Study Abroad Opportunities

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