Professor Guha Krishnamurthi Earns “Honorable Mention” in AALS Scholarly Paper Competition with “The Case for Abolition of Criminal Confessions”

Home Law School News Professor Guha Krishnamurthi Earns “Honorable Mention” in AALS Scholarly Paper Competition with “The Case for Abolition of Criminal Confessions”

STCL Houston Professor Guha Krishnamurthi earned recent accolades for himself and Houston’s oldest law school in the 36th Annual AALS Scholarly Papers Competition.

The organization awarded Krishnamurthi’s article, “The Case for Abolition of Criminal Confessions,” with an “Honorable Mention” classification.

His article was one of only four papers — out of 65 submitted nationally — selected for recognition at the 2021 AALS Annual Meeting in January.

According to the AALS, the Scholarly Papers Competition encourages and recognizes excellent legal scholarship and broadens participation by new law teachers in its annual meeting program. Individuals with five or less years of experience as a full-time law teacher were invited to submit papers on legal topics.

A committee of established scholars reviewed the submitted papers without knowledge of the authors’ identities. Papers deemed by the committee to “make a substantial contribution to legal literature” earned the opportunity for widespread recognition at the 2021 AALS Annual Meeting.

Matthew A. Shapiro, an assistant professor at Rutgers Law School earned first place in the competition for his article, “Distributing Civil Justice.”

In addition to Krishnamurthi, other Honorable Mention awardees in the 2021 competition included Lindsey Simon, an assistant professor at the University of Georgia School of Law, for her paper, “Bankruptcy Grifters;” and Diego Zambrano, an assistant professor at Stanford Law School, for his article, “Foreign Dictators in U.S. Court.”

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