Amendments & Updates

Character and Fitness

Admission of any applicant from matriculation through graduation is contingent upon the truthfulness of information contained in the application materials submitted by the applicant and/or other persons on the applicant’s behalf, including letters of recommendation; corrections to any misinformation provided to the law school; and disclosures of information required by the rules or regulations of the law school. Subsequent to application or admission to STCL Houston, each student has a duty to disclose immediately any new incidents and events relating to their character and fitness to study and practice law.

Discovery of falsified information or nondisclosure, whether provided directly or indirectly by a student, prior or subsequent to admission, is grounds for withdrawal of an admission offer, immediate dismissal at any point during the course of study, revocation of a J.D. degree if already conferred, or other disciplinary action. Such dismissal will result in forfeiture of all monies paid and academic credits earned. Students should contact the Student Support with any questions or amendments related to truthfulness and disclosure.

Filing an Amendment

Students should immediately file a Request to Amend/Update Law School Application or Student File to amend/update their law school application to include information about their criminal history and or school disciplinary history.  Students will need to include letter fully explaining the incident and the reason for the omission. The Amendment/Update Subcommittee will determine if the request should be granted, whether additional action is required, or if the matter should be referred to Appeals and Disciplinary Committee.

Please see the Texas Board of Law Examiners Character & Fitness page for more information.

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