Katerina Lewinbuk

Course: Global Lawyering Seminar

Katerina Lewinbuk is a Professor of Law & Director of International Programs at the South Texas College of Law – Houston where she teaches professional responsibility, torts, global lawyering seminar, deposition skills and mindful lawyering courses. She is a double-Fulbright Senior Specialist grant recipient (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic and Facultad Libre Derecho de Monterrey in Monterrey, Mexico) and she has taught and presented in different law schools in Ireland, Turkey, Republic of Georgia, and United Kingdom, just to name a few. Professor Lewinbuk has also served as Legal Research & Writing Program Director and taught at the International Law Institute in Washington, D.C. Prior to teaching, she was a practicing attorney at the Chicago office of Baker & McKenzie law firm and is currently licensed to practice law in Illinois, Texas, and Washinton, D.C.

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