STCL Houston Symposium Focuses on the Intersection of Renewable Energy and Ethics

Home Law School News STCL Houston Symposium Focuses on the Intersection of Renewable Energy and Ethics

Renewable energy and ethics was the focus of the 29th Annual Ethics Symposium, hosted March 3 at South Texas College of Law Houston. Presented by the South Texas Law Review, the subject matter was a first.

“South Texas has frequently been at the forefront of energy law, among other things, and we continue to lead the way with this discussion of ethics and renewables,” said Zach Troell, editor-in-chief of the South Texas Law Review. “This is the first time we have addressed this topic in this forum.”

President and Dean Michael F. Barry welcomed the audience and thanked the student organizers Zach Troell and Ashley Wollaston. Associate Dean for Academics and Professor Cherie O. Taylor added her welcome to the industry experts and to the audience.“Thank you for being here today,” Taylor said. “This symposium is the first in a series of symposia that will mark STCL Houston’s centennial year. We hope to see you at the others, as well.”

Presentations and panel discussions encouraged participants to examine and understand emerging topics and important legal issues in various areas of renewable energy.

The symposium’s topics ranged from an update on the Texas power grid from ERCOT’s General Counsel Chad V. Seely ’02 to a frank discussion on the ethical considerations in developing areas of renewable energy and a conversation among energy executives about the challenges presented in the renewable energy sector.

The list of presenters featured legal experts and practitioners with knowledge and experience in the renewable energy industry, including several STCL Houston alumni.

In addition to the presentation from Seely, the audience also heard from Regina Bynote Jones ’98, chief legal officer at Baker Hughes Corporation, Gabe Lerner ’10, managing director of Allied Orion Group, and Matthew Skalka ’10, vice president and head of Stewart Title’s National Commercial Services Office, where he leads Stewart Title’s Energy Group.

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