STCL Houston Symposium to Explore International Arbitration, Finance, and Investment

Home Law School News STCL Houston Symposium to Explore International Arbitration, Finance, and Investment
Presented by: Currents: Journal of International Economic Law & South Texas College of Law Houston

South Texas College of Law Houston will host a Centennial symposium Friday, Oct. 20, shedding light on the ever-evolving realm where legal, financial, and investment sectors intersect.

The “Crossroads of International Arbitration, Finance, and Investment” symposium, presented byCurrents: Journal of International Economic Law, will provide a platform for multidisciplinary insights and discussions regarding these dynamic fields.

Topics will include drafting arbitration agreements, Singapore Convention on Mediation, background on arbitration on NAFTA, specialized arbitration forums (FINRA & ICSID), investment arbitration and regional investment, and more.

Symposium Highlights:

Date: Friday, October 20, 2023

Location: STCL Houston Campus – Emilie Slohm Hall

Time: 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

General Admission: $175 (group rate for 3 or more attendees).

CLE Credit: 7.5 hours

Cherie Taylor, South Texas Law professor of law and the director of the Institute for International Legal Practice, noted, “This event offers a unique opportunity to explore the intricate crossroads of international arbitration, finance, and investment. It’s a fantastic initiative to foster a deeper comprehension of the synergies and implications in these interconnected fields.”

For all the speakers, more details on topic, and registration, visit here.

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