STCL Houston Faculty Recognized for Teaching, Scholarship, Service

Home Law School News STCL Houston Faculty Recognized for Teaching, Scholarship, Service

South Texas College of Law Houston recently recognized 13 faculty members for their excellence in teaching, scholarship or service.

“We have exceptional faculty across the board,” said Professor Ted Field, vice president and associate dean for faculty. “With these awards, we were delighted to recognize individuals who stood out in one particular area because they were especially innovative and effective in teaching, served in an extraordinary way internally and/or externally, or achieved the highest levels of scholarship in 2020-21.”

Four faculty were recognized for teaching excellence. These individuals also were named the 2020-21 Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Teachers of the Year for STCL Houston.

 Five professors were recognized for their outstanding service.

Four professors were recognized for their exceptional scholarship.

  • Josh Blackman, Professor of Law
  • Amanda Cooley, Vinson & Elkins Research Professor, Professor of Law
  • Randy Kelso, Professor of Law, Spurgeon E. Bell Distinguished Professorship
  • Rocky Rhodes, Charles Weigel II Research Professor of State and Federal Constitutional Law, Professor of Law
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