Labor & Employment Law


The practice of employment law may be attractive to anyone interested in people, personalities, and the dynamics of personal relations at the workplace.

Employment law may also be attractive to those who want to use a wide range of legal skills, including trial practice, dispute resolution, drafting contracts, and business planning. For those interested in matters of public interest and legal or social justice, employment law has long been a tool for serving and protecting the disadvantaged and for seeking structural reform.

Employment law also remains a dynamic area because many employment statutes and doctrines are comparatively young, and because employment law tends to be sensitive to shifts in political, social, and moral climate. Employment lawyers must generally be sensitive to trends in the law or the enactment of new statutes and amendments.

Primary Fields of Employment Law

Lawyers practicing employment law may practice in one of a number of subspecialties. Lawyers employed by government agencies tend to practice within only one area at a time, while lawyers in private practice are more likely to practice in many fields simultaneously. Regardless of whether one is practicing in a government agency or private firm, understanding and interacting with numerous administrative agencies will be part of the job. For this reason, coursework in Administrative Law is recommended.

Employment Discrimination

Federal and state laws, and sometimes local ordinances, prohibit discrimination because of protected traits (such as race, gender, or disability) or retaliation because of protected conduct (such as complaining about discrimination). Disability discrimination law is particularly dynamic within this field because of recent changes in the Americans with Disabilities Act. The primary government agency responsible for the administration and enforcement of discrimination law is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. However, most discrimination lawsuits are filed by private attorneys.

Other Wrongful Discharge Law

In general, an employer is not required to have “just cause” to terminate an employee as long as the employer does not discriminate illegally or terminate the employee for some other illegal reason. One illegal reason for wrongful discharge is to retaliate against employees who blow the whistle against wrongdoing or who otherwise act in the public interest in a manner causing conflict with their employers. There are a variety of laws on the federal or state level that may protect whistleblowers by creating private causes of action for wrongful discharge. Another illegal reason for discharging an employee occurs when the employee sought or exercised a right, such as the right to certain unpaid leave for family or personal medical reasons, or the right to workers’ compensation benefits in connection with a work-related injury.

Wage and Hour Law

Federal law (and local law in some states) requires an employer’s payment of a “minimum wage” and the payment of an overtime premium for hours worked in excess of forty in one workweek. These rules sound simple, but they are quite complex when applied to myriad workplace situations. Therefore, employers need considerable guidance in designing their compensation and wage payment systems and in managing working time. When employers violate the rules, the effects are sometimes felt by an entire class of employees. Thus, class and “collective” action lawsuits are common in this field. The primary government agency responsible for the administration and enforcement of wage and hour law is the U.S. Department of Labor.

Not all wage disputes are based on the federal minimum wage or overtime laws. Some wage disputes are based on the common law of contracts or a variety of local “wage payment laws” which, for example, prohibit an employer from taking certain deductions from an employee’s pay.

Employee Benefits

Aside from social security and Medicare, pension, medical benefits, and disability benefits are provided primarily through employer-sponsored benefit plans. Such plans are regulated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). The law is complex, and employers need the assistance of lawyers to design such plans to comply with the law. Moreover, disputes between employee-beneficiaries and plan administrators are common with respect to the amount of benefit due, whether an employee is “disabled,” or whether certain medical procedures are covered by insurance. Such disputes often lead to litigation, mainly in the federal courts. ERISA is covered in South Texas College of Law Houston’s Employee Benefits Law course.

Occupational Safety

Federal law requires employers to provide work and a workplace reasonably free from hazard. The primary law in this regard is the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which is administered by the Department of Law. Employers depend on lawyers to interpret new regulations, advise the employer with respect to government inspections, and present the defense in enforcement proceedings.

Collective Bargaining Law

Employees sometimes form unions to represent them, on a collective basis, in dealing and negotiating with their employer. The primary law regulating collective bargaining in the private sector is the National Labor Relations Act, which is administered and enforced by the National Labor Relations Board. Public employee bargaining is regulated by a variety of federal and state laws and agencies.

Post-Employment Competition by Employees

A particularly dynamic area of the law relates to an employer’s use of contract clauses or “trade secrets” law to prevent employees from engaging in competitive activity if their employment with the employer terminates for any reason. State law generally governs disputes between former employees and employers about competition, and litigation may be in state court or, in diversity cases, in federal court. Trade secret law is covered in STCL Houston’s Trade Secrets & Related Interests course as well as in Trademarks & Unfair Competition.

Primary Job Opportunities

Private Practice Management Side

Many large firms have employment law departments, but many management-side employment lawyers are now moving into small “boutique” firms specializing in employment law. Working in such a firm will involve a combination of litigation and general counseling.

In-House Counsel

Many corporations include at least one employment lawyer, and sometimes several, in their legal department. An in-house counsel provides general employment law advice to the corporation, may be involved in collective bargaining, and will supervise or assist litigation by outside counsel.

Private Practice Plaintiff’s Side

Plaintiff’s-side attorneys generally work in small firms or even solo practice. Their work can be very specialized (e.g., only minimum wage/overtime actions), very broad, or a mixture of employment and non-employment matters. Their work is primarily litigation, arbitration, the processing of administrative complaints, and the negotiation of settlement agreements. Students interested in solo practice or small firms could benefit from coursework in Law Office Management.

Labor Organizations and Public Interest Groups

Unions employ some lawyers in-house, or they refer cases to small labor law firms. Some aspiring plaintiff’s attorneys have been known to work at very low cost or even free for unions early in their careers in order to develop a relationship likely to lead to the referral of other cases.

Government Agencies

The primary employing agencies are the Department of Labor (including the Wage and Hour Division and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and the National Labor Relations Board. Through the Government Process Clinic/Academic Internship, students can seek to arrange internships with local, state, or federal government agencies that address labor-related matters.   

Private Dispute Resolution

Many experienced employment lawyers eventually become arbitrators or mediators specializing in employment disputes. Success in this career path demands years of developing a reputation for professionalism and an ability to work well with both management-side and plaintiff’s-side attorneys.

Relevant Skill Set and Related Substantive Coursework

Courses related to trial and appellate practice and advocacy, discovery, remedies, damages, and federal courts are helpful because the practice of employment law normally involves a significant amount of litigation. The litigation is evenly split between state and federal jurisdictions.

Alternative dispute resolution processes are relevant both as a mechanism employed prior to trial and as an often-used method to resolve employment disputes prior to the formal filing of a claim in court. As noted above, new attorneys are unlikely to become mediators, but mediation classes—Representation in Mediation, in particular—cover how to represent clients in mediation, which employment attorneys are more likely to encounter in the early stages of their careers.

Experience in STCL Houston’s Mediation Clinic may also be beneficial because EEOC mediations are typically a component of the clinic. Coursework in Interviewing & Counseling is helpful because, among other reasons, employment lawyers may be involved in investigations of employment-related matters. 

Entertainment Law and Professional Sports Law could also benefit would-be employment lawyers because unionization and collective bargaining are common in each industry. The substantive due process issues covered in Constitutional Law and First Amendment Law are relevant in the public employment setting. Finally, other courses that address particular types of businesses or governments that are likely to confront employment issues are also helpful.

This curricular pathway provides a progression of courses relevant to labor and employment law that are offered at South Texas College of Law Houston.

Core courses
Recommended courses
BARRelevant bar examination topic
REQRequired course for all students

Stage 1

Three semester hours credit. Normally offered once each academic year.

A survey of legal issues relating to the employer-employee relationship, including employee selection and hiring, the employment contract, regulation of wages and hours of work, employee benefits, workers’ compensation, occupational safety, management of the workplace, wrongful discharge, post- employment competition, and other post-employment disputes.

Three semester hours credit. Offered periodically.

Course covers federal employment discrimination law, including Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Reconstruction era Civil Rights Acts, executive orders requiring affirmative action, the Equal Pay Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Stage 2

Consider earlier courses plus one or more from below

Three semester hours credit. Offered periodically.

This course will provide an overview of the basic concepts, purposes, and scope of ERISA’s (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) regulatory scheme; explore the substantive and procedural regulation of pension and welfare benefit plans; and discuss the impact of ERISA and ERISA preemption on diverse areas of practice, both transaction and litigation based.

Stage 3

Consider earlier courses plus one or more from below

Two semester hours credit. Graded honors pass, pass, low pass, or fail. Normally offered as an intersession course.

This course is designed to provide students with the skills necessary to take and defend depositions. Students will explore why and when to take depositions; how to draft deposition notices for individual deponents, non-party witnesses, and corporate designees; how to draft successful deposition outlines; proper deposition questions and objections; and approaches to dealing with unruly and unprofessional opposing counsel during positions. Students will take and defend several mock depositions.

Debra Berman

Director, Frank Evans Center for Conflict Resolution
Professor of Law

Mediation Practice
Mediation Clinic
Mediation Theory & Practice
Representation in Mediation

Josh Blackman

Professor of Law

Constitutional Law

Vanessa Browne-Barbour

Professor of Law

Torts I
Torts II

Catherine G. Burnett

Vice President
Associate Dean for Experiential Education
Director, Pro Bono Honors Program
Professor of Law

Mediation Practice

Richard R. Carlson

Professor of Law

Collective Bargaining Law
Contracts I
Contracts II
Employment Discrimination
Employment Law

Amanda Harmon Cooley

Vincent & Elkins Research Professor
Professor of Law

Constitutional Law
Deposition Skills

Dan Downey

Adjunct Professor of Law

Civil Trial Advocacy
Entertainment Law

Maureen Duffy

Visiting Professor

Constitutional Law

Matthew J. Festa

Professor of Law

State & Local Government

Ted L. Field

Associate Dean of Curriculum and Academics
Professor of Law

Torts I
Torts II

Sharon G. Finegan

Associate Dean for Faculty
Professor of Law

Deposition Skills

Haley Palfreyman Jankowski

Assistant Professor of Law

Torts II

R. Randall Kelso

Spurgeon E. Bell Distinguished Professor
Professor of Law

Contracts I
Contracts II
Constitutional Law
First Amendment Law

Katerina Lewinbuk

Professor of Law

Deposition Skills

Shelby A. D. Moore

Professor of Law

Torts I
Torts II

Ryan Nelson

Assistant Professor of Law

Employment Law
Employment Discrimination

Phillip E. Page

Professor of Law

Trademark Clinic

Jean F. Powers

Professor of Law

Contracts II

Ruby Powers

Adjunct Professor of Law

Law Office Management

Jeffrey L. Rensberger

Professor of Law

Class Actions & Other Advanced Litigation

Charles W. “Rocky” Rhodes

Vinson & Elkins Research Professor
Professor of Law

Constitutional Law
First Amendment Law

Robert Rice

Adjunct Professor of Law

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Val D Ricks

Professor of Law

Contracts I
Contracts II

Dru Stevenson

Helen and Harry Hutchins Research Professor
Professor of Law
Baker Institute Scholar at the Rice University James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy

Administrative Law

Amy D. Taylor

Adjunct Professor of Law

Civil Pretrial Advocacy

John J. Worley

Professor of Law

Contracts I
Contracts II

STCL Houston – Sponsored Resources


Visit the Career Resource Center to learn more about its services. Students can reach the CRC in person or online. The CRC is designed to assist students at any time during their journey through law school. It should be an integral part of every student’s Pathway to Practice.


South Texas College of Law Houston offers numerous direct representation clinics and internship placements for credit.

Direct representation clinics offer students the opportunity to work on real-life issues and achieve resolution of a matter for actual clients. Some clinics are litigation-based and others are more transactional in nature. Students can hone lawyering skills that transcend a specific practice area. Additionally, students can learn about an area of practice, experience what it is like to appear before certain courts, and gauge whether they are truly interested in pursuing a career in a particular field.

Academic internships also offer students the opportunity to learn about practice in state and federal courts, governmental agencies, public interest groups, and non-profit and other non-governmental organizations. Additionally, academic internships can provide students with networking opportunities. 

Clinics/Academic Internships relevant to this practice area include:

  • Government Process Clinic/Academic Internship
  • Mediation Clinic

Fellowship Opportunities through the Clinical Program

South Texas College of Law Houston sometimes has fellowship opportunities. Recent graduates or alumni who have been practicing for several years are encouraged to apply when their experience and interests coincide with the job description.


South Texas College of Law Houston has a nationally renowned Advocacy Program that has won more competitions than any other law school in the nation. Participating in one of the numerous mock trial and moot court competitions is certainly beneficial for anyone seeking a career in litigation. Many competitions concern problems in specific fields of practice that are particularly useful for students interested in pursuing a career in that area. More broadly, competitions provide students with an opportunity to further refine their research, writing, and analytical skills, which are relevant to practice in general.

The Frank Evans Center for Conflict Resolution coordinates many competitions each year in the areas of negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. The program has developed a consistent track record of winning both domestic and international competitions, with more than ten first-place finishes in recent years. Students would benefit from participating in these competitions in the numerous fields of practice where alternative dispute resolution is regularly employed.

The Transactional Practice Center also coordinates several student competitions. These competitions are specifically geared to students who want to gain experience negotiating and drafting contracts, and learn about business transactions in general.

Mediation Certification

The Frank Evans Center for Conflict Resolution coordinates the law school’s mediation certification program. To obtain a forty-hour mediation certificate, students can take Mediation Practice or Mediation Theory & Practice.

Law Reviews and Journals

Law reviews and journals provide tangible benefits on two fronts: acquiring skills and attaining employment. As to acquiring skills, law reviews and journals provide students with an opportunity to further refine their research and writing ability. Law reviews and journals can also help students secure employment because they serve as signaling devices for perceived research and writing skills—this is particularly true for large law firms, the judiciary, and certain government agencies. The student publications relevant to this practice area include:

External Resources


Databases and links that focus on providing information about employment in this practice area:

Federal Employment Honors Programs

Many government agencies have so-called “honors programs” for recruiting and hiring new attorneys. Students should be mindful of the deadlines for applying to honors programs, which are often one year in advance of employment. The honors programs relevant to this practice area include:


Fellowship programs sponsored by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and bar associations provide employment opportunities for students directly after graduation. Internship opportunities for law students may also be available. 

The internship opportunities relevant to this area of practice include:

The fellowship opportunities relevant to this area of practice include:


Bar associations and organizations—local, state, and national—provide students with many services. Most offer access to information about the relevant areas of law. At the local level, students can also benefit from the opportunity to attend events and conferences. Importantly, these events and conferences provide students with chances to network in the profession, which may lead to employment opportunities. These organizations also provide information on continuing legal education (CLE) programs that may be relevant to practice in different areas of law. The bar associations and organizations relevant to this field include:

Bar associations also provide students with opportunities to attend programs and network for free. Some bar associations have formal student sections that are free to join or they provide significant discounts to students. The relevant student pages include:


Federal and state government websites relevant to this subject matter of the pathway include:


A listing of websites that provide information pertaining to this practice area, often from a practice-oriented perspective:


There are external competitions that focus on this practice area. Sometimes they have cash prizes or other forms of recognition for the winners.

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