Tyler Williams Graduate December 2022

STCL Houston Honors Fall Graduates at December 2022 Commencement

South Texas College of Law Houston conferred doctor of jurisprudence (J.D.) degrees to more than 60 graduates December 10 during the Fall 2022 Commencement Ceremony in Joe Green Auditorium.

STCL Houston, which began its 100th academic year this fall, honored the graduates for their outstanding academic achievement and their perseverance. (You can watch a recording of the ceremony here: https://youtu.be/DRPUZurFxtA.)

STCL Houston Honors Fall Graduates at December 2022 Commencement Read More

Hispanic Heritage Month Student Spotlight: Gabriela A. Lopez-Ruperto, 3L

Growing up Latinx in the United States is different for all of us; we all have different experiences and connections with our respective cultures. I love Hispanic Heritage Month because it gives us an opportunity to share our experiences, and rejoice within our community and with those around us.

However, Hispanic Heritage Month is not just for those who are Latinx. We live and celebrate our cultures every day. This month gives everyone else a chance to expand their knowledge and understanding of our cultures. Often, Latinx people are grouped as one without the acknowledgment that we have different food, art, music, and dialects. Our cultural differences derive from the fact that we were colonized by different countries, such as Spain, France, and Portugal. The interactions between those who colonized and occupied our countries, and the native Indians is what created our distinct cultural differences.

Hispanic Heritage Month Student Spotlight: Gabriela A. Lopez-Ruperto, 3L Read More

NAACP President Derrick Johnson to Present Inaugural Diversity Lecture Oct. 4, Hosted by The Benny Agosto, Jr. Diversity Center at STCL Houston

NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson ’97, a South Texas College of Law Houston alumnus, will present the Inaugural Diversity Lecture Oct. 4 for The Benny Agosto, Jr. Diversity Center at STCL Houston.

Johnson has led the national NAACP since 2017. He formerly served as vice chairman of the NAACP National Board of Directors and as state president for the Mississippi State Conference NAACP. He has helped guide the association through a period of re-envisioning and reinvigoration.

NAACP President Derrick Johnson to Present Inaugural Diversity Lecture Oct. 4, Hosted by The Benny Agosto, Jr. Diversity Center at STCL Houston Read More

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U.S. Army Court of Criminal Appeals to Hold Live Hearing at STCL Houston

South Texas College of Law Houston (STCL Houston) will host a live hearing of the U.S. Army Court of Criminal Appeals on Tuesday, September 27, in Garrett Townes Auditorium at 3:30 p.m. The hearing will be followed by a question-and-answer session with the members of the Court, and a reception in the STCL Houston atrium.

The Court has scheduled this event to provide STCL Houston students, the legal community, and the public with a rare opportunity to see this military appellate court at work.

U.S. Army Court of Criminal Appeals to Hold Live Hearing at STCL Houston Read More

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