South Texas Law Receives Grant to Upgrade Technology for Its Pro Bono Legal Clinics
South Texas Law Receives Grant to Upgrade Technology for Its Pro Bono Legal Clinics Read More
Free Legal Clinic for Harris County Tenants at Risk of Eviction
South Texas College of Law Houston attorneys and students will provide free legal assistance to Harris County residents at risk of eviction.
STCL Houston Joins Legal Aid Partnership to Help Tenants at Risk of Eviction Read More
Houstonians facing eviction due to COVID-19 now have a new resource — an eviction response program — to assist them with legal and housing concerns.
Eric Kwartler, a staff attorney at South Texas College of Law Houston (STCL Houston), has conducted extensive research on illegal evictions in Harris County from March 27 to July 25, 2020 — the moratorium period mandated by the U.S. Congress through the CARES Act to prevent evictions.
The International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) recently honored South Texas College of Law Houston’s Animal Law Clinic (ALC) — the first and only of its kind in Texas — with its “Seeds Award,” created to “honor individuals and not-for-profit entities who have made exceptional contributions to the important and burgeoning field of animal law.”
For the third time in the past eight years, the Texas Access to Justice Commission (ATJ) recently honored South Texas College of Law Houston (STCL Houston) with its annual ATJ Law School Commitment to Service Award.
The Randall O. Sorrels Legal Clinics at South Texas College of Law Houston (STCL Houston) recently received more than $1 million in grant funding to provide legal aid to low-income Houstonians, including veterans and their families, immigrants, and those with prior criminal histories seeking removal of barriers to employment.