STCL Houston Attorney and Students Uncover Alarming Data on Illegal Evictions Despite CARES Act Moratorium

STCL Houston Attorney and Students Uncover Alarming Data on Illegal Evictions Despite CARES Act Moratorium

Eric Kwartler, a staff attorney at South Texas College of Law Houston (STCL Houston), has conducted extensive research on illegal evictions in Harris County from March 27 to July 25, 2020 — the moratorium period mandated by the U.S. Congress through the CARES Act to prevent evictions.

STCL Houston Attorney and Students Uncover Alarming Data on Illegal Evictions Despite CARES Act Moratorium Read More

Professor Bruce McGovern (right), director of the Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) at South Texas College of Law Houston, and Gordon Sanz (left), associate area counsel, IRS Office of Chief Counsel and STCL Houston alumnus ’96

STCL Houston Partners with IRS Chief Counsel’s Office on First “Settlement Saturday” for Houston Taxpayers

Students in South Texas College of Law Houston’s (STCL Houston) Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) applied their classroom learning last weekend, easing financial burdens for dozens of Houston taxpayers — while simultaneously easing the caseload of the U.S. Tax Court.

STCL Houston Partners with IRS Chief Counsel’s Office on First “Settlement Saturday” for Houston Taxpayers Read More

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