Student Spotlight: Tripp Daleo, 1L

Home Law School News Student Spotlight: Tripp Daleo, 1L

Meet Tripp Daleo, 1L and learn more about his story at South Texas Law in this Student Spotlight by the Career Resource Center. 

Why did you choose to attend South Texas College of Law Houston?

In looking for a law school, I searched for a place with a great network in the Houston area that was known for producing great attorneys and would provide a great environment. I found that in South Texas Law.

Where are you working this summer?

The Office of the Attorney General for 6 weeks and Arnold & Itkin LLP for 6 weeks.

How did you secure your summer jobs?

Through the On-Campus Interview process coordinated by the Career Resource Center. (CRC).

How did the CRC help you successfully navigate the recruitment process?

I used the CRC to help build my resume, and when the time for interviews came, I spent time there talking about the interviewing process, including helpful tips and strategies.

What are your career goals for the future?

To be viewed as reliable and hard working.

What advice would you share with the future students going through recruitment?

Be who you are; the right place for you will appreciate it.

Which professors have influenced you and or your career path the most?

There are many great professors at STCL Houston, but I have spent the most time speaking with Professor Hogan out of class. He has provided me with great bits of wisdom.

What student organizations have you been involved with?

I am a member of the STCL Houston Oil & Gas Law Society as well as the Aggie Law Students Association.

Beyond CRC, how has the South Texas Law community supported your growth?

STCL Houston provides a large community of alumni who are always excited to speak with current students and pass along any knowledge that may help.

What is something interesting about you that we can’t learn from your resume?

I come from a large family that helps to guide me along my path.

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