Student Spotlight: Leonard Lynce, Jr., 3L

Home Law School News Student Spotlight: Leonard Lynce, Jr., 3L

Meet Leonard Lynce, Jr. and learn more about his story at South Texas Law in this Student Spotlight by the Career Resource Center. 

Why did you choose to attend South Texas College of Law Houston?

I decided to go to STCL Houston after visiting the school and learning more about it. I was immediately attracted to the Advocacy Program.

What is something interesting about you that we cannot learn from your resume?

I’m an adventurous person. I like going on hikes, exploring caves, and deep-water diving. 

Where are you working this summer?

I will be an associate at Serpe Andrews in the first half of summer and an associate at Patel Anderson LLP in the second half.

How did you secure those employment opportunities? 

I secured interviews with both during the Fall 2023 On-Campus Interview (OCI) process.

How did the Career Resource Center help you successfully navigate the recruitment process?

The CRC assisted me in the process and prepped me for the interview with “mock” interviews.  During these mock interviews, I was able to gain comfort and confidence in how to present myself when interviewing with the partners in these firms.

What advice would you share with future students going through recruitment?

Don’t be overly consumed by the weight of the process; be yourself, trust yourself, and enjoy it.

Which professors have influenced you and or your career path the most?

Professor Moore has been one of my biggest advocates since my first semester. Without her, I don’t know if I could’ve made it through.

What student organizations have you been involved with?

I have been involved in the Black Law Students Association, Veteran Law Students Association, Student Bar Association, Sports and Entertainment Law Society, and the Criminal Law Society.

Beyond the Career Resource Center, how has the law school community supported your growth?

The STCL Houston community has made itself available in various ways, such as individuals in Admissions, Student Services, the Candyman Deli, and the bookstore — and the professors. In my experience, faculty members here have always made themselves available to discuss courses.

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