Student Spotlight: Hanadi Pejdah, 2L

Home Law School News Student Spotlight: Hanadi Pejdah, 2L

Why did you choose to attend STCL Houston? 

I knew I wanted to stay and practice in Houston. When I learned more about South Texas, it was a clear choice for law school. It’s such a cool community of people, and it helps you build a strong network for when you graduate.  

Where are you working this summer and/or academic year?

I am splitting my summer between Brown Sims and Horne Rota Moos, LLP.

How did you secure those employment opportunities? 

Through the help of Marie in the Career Resource Center, and through the on-campus interview (OCI) process. For Brown Sims, I reached out directly to an attorney on the website and sent her an email. For Horne Rota, I applied though OCI and interviewed with them.

How did the Career Resource Center help you successfully navigate the recruitment process? 

The CRC team helped me every step of the way when I was applying and interviewing. Do not be afraid to reach out and get to know your CRC advisor! I was always reaching out to Marie and asking her to proofread my emails and my interview responses. She is the best and always helps and answers my questions! 

What are your career goals for the future?

I hope to stay and work in Houston. Specifically, I want to work in civil litigation, but I’m still deciding what area of law. 

What advice would you share with future South Texas Law students going through recruitment?

Focus on your grades and do the best that you can. Good grades can really open a lot of opportunities with different firms. Also, participate in multiple rounds of OCI and apply to so many places, even if you don’t think you’ll get them! The more places you apply to, the better chance you have of securing an offer. 

The most important advice I have is don’t be afraid to send that email or make that phone call! It really can help you make a connection, secure an interview or, best case, help you get an offer. Of course, if you’re nervous or not sure what to say, the CRC can help you craft the perfect email. 

Which professors have influenced you and or your career path the most? 

My LRW professor, Associate Dean Maxine Goodman, helped me a lot my 1L year. It’s important to go to office hours and try to connect with your professors if you can. Dean Goodman is one of the best professors on campus, and I went to her office hours and asked her how to network. She gave me so many helpful tips and even acted out scenarios with me. 

What student organizations have you been involved with?

Aggie Law Students Association, South Texas Law Review, and the Advocacy Program.

Beyond the Career Resource Center, how has the South Texas community supported your growth?

The professors are so kind and willing to help. Even with big classes, I always felt I could talk to a professor — and they always knew who I was. The events and panels that South Texas hosts have been so interesting and have helped me learn a lot. The law school is always inviting guest speakers, and I really recommend going to an event or two. It’s how I realized I wanted to do civil litigation and not transactional. Events also are a great opportunity to network. 

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