James L. Musselman

Professor of Law

A.A., Illinois Central College
B.S., Illinois State University
J.D., Brigham Young University, J. Reuben Clark Law School

Areas of Expertise
Federal Income Taxation

James L. Musselman is a Professor of Law and has been on the faculty at South Texas College of Law Houston since 1987; he served as Associate Dean from 1990 to 1998. Professor Musselman received a B.S. in Accounting from Illinois State University in 1973 and a J.D., Magna Cum Laude, from Brigham Young University in 1979, where he served as Editor of the Brigham Young University Law Review and was a J. Reuben Clark Scholar. Before joining the faculty at South Texas College of Law Houston, Professor Musselman was engaged in the private practice of law with firms in Denver, Colorado and Phoenix, Arizona. His teaching and scholarship are in the areas of Federal Income Tax, Bankruptcy, Commercial Law, Family Law, and Marital Property.

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