STCL Houston Hosts “Let’s Talk About It: Suicide Prevention and Awareness”

Home Law School News STCL Houston Hosts “Let’s Talk About It: Suicide Prevention and Awareness”

As part of South Texas College of Law Houston’s support efforts during Mental Health Awareness Month, the event will be presented on campus in Emilie Slohm. The panel discussion is hosted by the STCL Houston offices of Student Support and Alumni Engagement.

Participants may receive one hour of ethics CLE credit. You can register here.

This sensitive topic is important to address within the legal community. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the national average rate of death by suicide among lawyers is significantly higher than the rate within the general population.

During Mental Health Awareness Month, individuals are encouraged to do personal check-ins — and to check in with friends and family.

According to the experts, some signs your mental health might need attention include disrupted sleep, irritability or feeling more emotional than usual, loss of joy, change in appetite, worsening physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate or headache, and low energy.

Some mental health and well-being resources for lawyers can be found here and here. Mental health resources specifically tailored for law students can be found here.

Please note: If you or someone else you know needs immediate help for a serious mental health crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

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