Veteran Profile: Eric D’Olive ’11

Home Law School News Veteran Profile: Eric D’Olive ’11

Eric D’Olive ’11
serves as general counsel for Emmanor Group, Inc., a private investment firm with a large real estate portfolio. He is a member of the South Texas College of Law Houston Alumni Association’s Board of Directors. His grandfather, Norman S. D’Olive ’33, was an early South Texas alumnus.

Married with three children, D’Olive is also a volunteer mentor with the Houston Bar Association. His demeanor is calm and collected. You might not suspect he once spent time jumping out of airplanes as a paratrooper.

The former Squad Leader, U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division, is proud of his combat infantry badge and his six years of service. D’Olive enlisted in 2003, not long after the beginning of the Iraq War. With a family history of military service, he knew he wanted to do his part. He had always told himself that if there was a war, he would go fight in it.

“I arrived in Iraq at the time of their elections, and our mission was to re-establish order,” D’Olive said. “I am so glad I was able to serve at that time, but it seems a bit surreal to have been part of history, part of something that happened on the world stage.”

D’Olive continues to make full use of what he learned during his military service. He believes veterans often succeed as law students and as attorneys because of their training.

“We know how to plan and prepare, and when you are prepared there is no need to be nervous,” he said. “Combat veterans usually bring a grateful, positive attitude. There is a certain confidence and maturity you gain in the field — an ability to stay focused and keep things in perspective, even in the face of unexpected adversity.”

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