Student Spotlight – Tayte Doddy, 3L

Home Law School News Student Spotlight – Tayte Doddy, 3L

Meet Tayte Doddy, 3L, and learn more about his story at South Texas Law in this Student Spotlight by the Career Resource Center. 

Tayte Doddy, 3L
Class of 2024

Why did you choose to attend South Texas College of Law Houston?

A: South Texas Law representatives made it clear to me that I was valued and that they wanted me to attend. From my experience being recruited out of high school for football, I knew it is always better to go somewhere you are wanted, as opposed to going where you think you want to go. That mindset sticks with me to this day.

Also, my brother was attending South Texas Law at the time, and the law school has significant representation in the Houston legal market as well. I knew that it would be a great choice because I plan to be in Houston for the long-term.  

Q: Where are you working after graduation? 
A: After passing the bar, I will start my legal career at Jackson Walker as an associate in the litigation department.
Q: How did you secure that employment opportunity?
A: I interviewed with Jackson Walker during on-campus interviews (OCI) after the first semester of 1L. They had filled their 1L class at that time, but still wanted to interview me in case there were opportunities in the future. Before 2L started, I interviewed with Jackson Walker again during OCI, and was given an offer as a 2L summer associate. After this past summer, I was offered a full-time position.

Q: How did South Texas Law’s Career Resource Center (CRC) help you successfully navigate the recruitment process?A: The CRC was instrumental in my recruitment process. The team there helped me revise my application materials required for summer associate positions. They helped me present the most marketable version of myself as I entered the process. The CRC also guided me through the process with general advice regarding the cultures of different firms and whether I would be a good fit at certain places. In addition, my career advisor Bianca Edwards has gone out of her way to expose me to every opportunity available and has spoken highly of me to her peers and other employers.

Q: What are your career goals for the future?
A: My career goals are malleable. I would love to become a partner at Jackson Walker, have a large book of clients, and build on and expand new practice areas at the firm. However, those outcomes aren’t necessarily in my control, and my goals may change as time passes.

My ultimate goal is to continue the same practices that have gotten me to where I am today: putting in real work on a daily basis, giving my best effort even when I don’t get what I want, building good habits, having a can-do attitude, refusing to make excuses for myself or complain about my situation, and taking extreme ownership and accountability over my responsibilities and outcomes. In my experience, when you do all the little things correctly, the big things tend to work themselves out.  

Q: What advice would you share with the next generation of students going through career recruitment?
A: First, be real with yourself. Figure out what things are most important to you (salary, work-life balance, etc.) and keep that front-of-mind when looking at firms. What may be right for someone else may not be right for you. Understand that in proportion to increased compensation, there is almost always a reciprocal increase in your employer’s expectation of production and performance. There will be choices and trade-offs in finding the right job for you. Therefore, know what you really want out of your job and target firms who operate in line with that.

Second, take control of your own destiny. STCL Houston has plenty of resources to help students be successful and achieve their goals. The CRC is well connected with employers.  The law school has professors who have clerked for federal judges at the district and appellate level, and people who have connections throughout the state. More than 8,000 alumni work in the Houston legal market today. A great opportunity could be one phone call or one meeting away. With all these resources at your fingertips, the burden is on you to do the research, do the work in school, reach out to people who can help you, and expose yourself to new opportunities. Nothing worth having will come easy, so prepare to do whatever is required to achieve the outcomes you desire.

Q: Which professors have influenced you or your career path the most?
A: Professor Ryan Nelson has been an invaluable resource and mentor to me throughout law school. I have gone to him for help with class material, advice about different areas of law, advice about certain employers, judges, and other things. Professor Nelson has always made himself available and gone above and beyond what any law professor would be expected to do when it comes to helping his students achieve their goals and become successful. I am very grateful for his guidance and generosity.
Q: What student organizations have you been involved with?
A: I am currently a member of the South Texas Law Review and a brief writer and advocate for the Moot Court team. I also was the vice president of the Black Law Students Association my 2L year, and I am a member of the Phi Delta Phi International Legal Honor Society.

Q: Beyond Career Resource Center, how has the law school community supported your growth?
A: South Texas College of Law Houston is not like most law schools. I appreciate the collegiate atmosphere of the college. People at this school get along and aren’t afraid to help when asked. Also, I believe some of the people I’ve met here will be good friends for a long time.

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