Student Spotlight: Adam McCoy

Home Law School News Student Spotlight: Adam McCoy

Adam McCoy, president of the Veterans Association at South Texas College of Law Houston, is committed to helping fellow veterans succeed after their service. Learn why this 2L is studying the law and leading this organization rather than dealing blackjack in Las Vegas. And take the time to stop by the Veterans Association table in the student lounge on Nov. 11, Veterans Day, to learn more.

What attracted you to South Texas College of Law Houston?

As a somewhat older student and the first law student in my family, I was attracted to the practice-ready emphasis. The law school’s curriculum is robust and offers many opportunities to immerse ourselves in experience-based learning. The advocacy program’s excellence is particularly notable; it has won twice as many advocacy championships as any other law school in the nation.

What is your vision for the future of the Veterans Association at STCL Houston?

The mission of the Veterans Association is to bring veteran-related issues to light and support veteran causes. The Veterans Association welcomes the opportunity to bring veterans on campus together to share experiences and continue the bond established as brothers and sisters in arms.

How will the Veterans Association strengthen the community, both on campus and beyond?

Military service is not easy. Transitioning from the military to civilian life is not easy. Law school is not easy. Many veterans are experiencing two or even three of these challenges simultaneously. The Veterans Association gives students who have already gone through these transitions a chance to help fellow veterans navigate the same road.

Old habits die hard. Selfless service is a quality many veterans possess, and the drive to serve others is often one of the primary reasons many of us chose the legal profession. While many veterans transition to civilian life seamlessly, not all are able to do so. The Veterans Association seeks to partner with the law school’s Veterans Clinic and local organizations to help other veterans in times of need.

Why did you think it was important to lead in the organization?

The military takes strangers from multiple walks of life and creates a bond as close as family. I wanted that bond to continue on campus and saw this as an opportunity to reestablish it. But I also recognized that my experiences as a first-year student, and the added experiences of 2L and 3L veterans, could be very valuable to 1L veterans just trying to understand what a tort is. Establishing a strong foundation for the Veterans Association seemed important, and I wanted to be a part of that.

What kind of opportunities does the Veterans Association offer law students and aspiring attorneys?

One of the goals of the Veterans Association is to assist veterans with networking. We are not the first law students with military backgrounds and won’t be the last. Others have been in our shoes, and the ability to establish a connection for internships, mentors and lasting friendships is a recipe for success.

How did your military experience influence your decision to pursue a law career? How will it benefit you as an attorney?

Loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage — these are the U.S. Army values instilled in me at the start of my career. However, I didn’t know in the beginning that the Army and these values would lead me to the legal profession. Interestingly enough, I wanted to be a blackjack dealer in Las Vegas. But years of service in defense of one’s country puts things in perspective. After returning from Afghanistan, I found myself asking, “So what’s next?” I knew I wanted to continue serving my community, and that was when I decided law school was the next step in my path of service.

In what ways do you anticipate working with STCL Houston students after graduation?

I would love to continue to provide support, mentorship and assistance to current students and to volunteer my time to help recruit prospective students.

Are there any recent accomplishments or immediate plans that the Veterans Association would like to share with the campus community?

This Veterans Day, we are placing a POW/MIA table in the student lounge. The POW/MIA table will help us remember those who served the nation but have not yet returned, and it will show support for those families awaiting a loved one’s return.

What would you like prospective members to know about the organization?

All veterans should join the Veterans Association at South Texas College of Law Houston. Our primary focus is to continue the camaraderie and support among all branches of the U.S. military. In addition, we also seek to promote employment opportunities in the judiciary and practice bar. Join here.

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