Student Spotlight: Dallas Jagneaux Boyle, 3L

Home Law School News Student Spotlight: Dallas Jagneaux Boyle, 3L
Dallas Jagneaux Boyle, 3L

Meet Dallas Jagneaux Boyle, 3L, and learn more about her story at South Texas Law in this Student Spotlight by the Career Resource Center. 

Q: Name and class year?
A: My name is Dallas Jagneaux Boyle, and I am a 3L graduating in December!

Q: Why did you choose to attend STCL Houston? 
A: The choice was easy for me. I have always loved how plugged into the city South Texas Law is. The alumni network and the advocacy programs cannot be beaten. Lastly, South Texas Law has a reputation for producing practice-ready attorneys, and as a second career student, that was a huge selling point for me. I feel lucky every day to be getting my degree from South Texas Law.
Q: Where are you working after graduation? 
A: After graduation, and the Bar, I will start as an Associate Attorney at Hirsch & Westheimer right here in downtown Houston. I will be part of their Commercial Litigation and Bankruptcy group.
Q: How did you secure that employment opportunity?
A: I applied for a summer associate position with Hirsch & Westheimer through our OCI program and was selected to spend the summer with them. I am so excited and honored that after evaluating me this summer, they asked me to join their team permanently!
Q: How did the Career Resource Center (CRC) help you successfully navigate the recruitment process?
A: Thanks to the CRC, I was always aware of important OCI deadlines. Not only that, but the CRC helped me perfect my OCI applications. They reviewed my resume and cover letters with me countless times. They were also a fantastic resource when I began receiving offers because they helped me navigate those offers and make the decisions that felt right to me. Their door was always open for me to come running in with good (and bad) news.
Q: What are your career goals for the future?
A: I hope to one day become a partner, but for now, I just want to learn as much as I can, as quickly as I can! My overall goal is to become a litigator that clients and judges know they can trust.
Q: What piece of advice would you share with the future generation of STCL Houston students going through recruitment?
A: Don’t underestimate yourself! You made it to law school for a reason and you belong in the OCI process. Be confident and be yourself. I think in school you should aim to be as successful and involved as possible; then when you get to OCI, tell the employers all about it. Put it in your cover letters and talk about it in your interviews. Lastly, ask questions and ask for advice! It is okay if you don’t know what type of law you want to practice when you’re interviewing or what type of law you want to practice when you grow up. This is what interviews and internships are for.
Q: Which professors have influenced you or your career path the most?

A: That’s another thing about South Texas Law – they have truly the best professors in the world. Just to name a few – each in their own way: Professor Yamamoto, Professor Finegan, Professor Rutledge, Professor Blackman, and lastly Professor Fagan. They all inspired my confidence in myself. From trusting me with projects and jobs outside the classroom and convincing me I am a good writer and a good speaker when I didn’t believe it myself — to simply being people I aspire to be more like.

Q: What student organizations have you been involved with?
A: I have been a member of the alternate dispute resolution (ADR) team, CURRENTS Journal of International Economic Law, the Dean’s Advisory Board, and a Langdell Scholar for the past four semester. I served last year as president of the Aggie Law Student’s Association, and I a member of the Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society.
Q: Beyond CRC, how has the STCL Houston community supported your growth?
A: From day one, the Student Engagement Office made me feel like South Texas Law was home. I remember my very first week of law school, Kirk Guillory and his team encouraged me to get as involved as I could. Once I took on a few positions around campus, the Office of Alumni Engagement helped me with marketing and networking for myself and my student organization. Something that has been so impactful to me during my time at South Texas Law is that Dean Barry, along with the engagement offices I previously mentioned, sought out my ideas and feedback and really made me feel like a part of the whole that is South Texas Law. Finally, my fellow students: I will never be able to say enough about the encouragement and true friendship my classmates have offered me. They believe I’m great on the days that I don’t believe it. Thanks to them, I’ll graduate law school in one piece!
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