Barbara Szalkowski

Core Operations Librarian

B.A., Rice University
M.L.I.S., University of Texas at Austin

Areas of Expertise
Cataloging & Metadata
Integrated Library System

Barbara Szalkowski joined South Texas College of Law Houston in 1985 as Catalog Librarian, initially to digitize existing print cataloging records, but within a year, assumed responsibility for cataloging records for all library materials and eventually also for the integrated library system. Barbara’s responsibilities also now include supervising collection acquisitions and continuations, and providing regular reference service.

Barbara holds memberships in various professional organizations, including Houston Area Law Librarians (HALL), Southwestern Association of Law Libraries (SWALL), and American Association of Law Libraries (AALL). She served as the HALL newsletter editor for over 15 years and received HALL’s first Volunteer of the Year award. On the national level, she has served on the Executive Boards of both the Technical Services (TS) and the Online Bibliographic Services (OBS) Special Interest Sections (SIS) of AALL.

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