Registration and Schedules

Home Current Students Student Enrollment Registration and Schedules

General Registration Instructions

Click this link for step-by-step instructions for the following registration items:

  • Registering for courses (using either the course CRNs or the search features),
  • Dropping a course,
  • Registering for a planned schedule,
  • Registering for a course that requires prior instructor approval (also follow these steps if you received an authorization code from your professor),
  • Registering for a course with an open waitlist and how to register for a waitlisted course after you receive a waitlist notification,
  • View your class schedule, and
  • Plan future class schedules

Graduation Requirements for 2L & 3L Students

Students must successfully complete 90 credit hours to graduate, including the following required courses, if not previously taken:

  • Constitutional Law
  • Evidence
  • Federal Income Taxation
  • Property II
  • Professional Responsibility (by 60th credit hour)

Additional Required Courses

  • Criminal Procedure
  • First Amendment
  • Substantial Writing
  • Experiential Learning (skills courses) – 6 credit hours minimum

Texas Uniform Bar Examination Courses

In addition to the first year required courses and those set out above, because of the centrality of these subjects to law practice and their relevance to the Texas Uniform Bar Examination, the faculty strongly recommends that all students take each of the following courses, even if they are eligible to choose not to do so:

  • Agency & Partnership
  • Bar Preview Program*
  • Corporations
  • Family Law
  • Secured Transactions
  • Wills, Trusts, & Estates

*Required for graduates entering their final long semester on Academic Supervision and/or with a GPA below 3.2 at the time of registration.

The faculty deems these courses important for all students for two reasons.  First, they cover fundamental legal subjects familiarity with which will be useful for almost any lawyer.  Second, each of these subjects is tested on the Texas Uniform Bar Examination.

Nevertheless, a student meeting either of the following two criteria will be required to take the aforementioned courses as a condition of graduation:

  • A full-time student whose cumulative GPA is below 3.000 immediately after having attempted 30 credit hours or having completed 2 semesters, whichever occurs first.
  • A part-time student whose cumulative GPA is below 3.000 immediately after having attempted 30 semester hours or having completed 4 semesters or sessions, whichever occurs first.

Advanced Legal Skills**

This course will be offered in fall and spring and will be mandatory for students with GPAs of 2.70 or lower.  ALS will be taken prior to the Bar Prep course.  ALS will introduce students to several critical skills: (1) understanding how to study properly for the bar examination, (2) appreciating the different methods used by bar examiners to test knowledge and skills, (3) working towards mastery of bar exam multiple choice and essay skills; and (4) developing a deeper ability to engage in self-regulated learning.

**Required for graduates entering their 2nd to last long semester with a GPA of 2.7.

Advanced Legal Analysis Course

The Advanced Legal Analysis course is required only for students who receive a GPA below a 2.4 after their first semester and will be taken in place of either Contracts II or Torts II, whichever course is graded lowest, in their second semester. Subsequently, those students will take Contracts II or Torts II during their next semester in which they are enrolled, and the course is offered.

  • If you are currently registered for ALA, you have been added to Contracts II/Torts II and dropped from the conflicting course.
  • Please keep in mind that you may register for all other courses online (bar, upper-level non-bar, and experiential learning), subject to seat availability and eligibility (be sure to Browse Classes to check for course pre-requisites).

To register for classes, follow these registration instructions and be sure to register for your block first. You will also find steps for:

  • Registering for a waitlist;
  • Dropping a course;
  • Registering for a course that requires instructor approval (e.g. Law Review, Moot Court, etc.); and
  • Planning your schedule.

Two Semester Dismissal Rule

Any full-time or part-time student who fails to achieve a 2.3 cumulative GPA after his/her first two long semesters, will be immediately dismissed for academic deficiency.

Academic Supervision

Students who meet either of the below criteria are placed on Academic Supervision:

  • A full-time student whose cumulative GPA is below 3.000 immediately after having attempted 30 credit hours or having completed 2 semesters, whichever occurs first. 

Students on Academic Supervision must take and complete the following courses prior to graduation, in addition to standard graduation requirements.

  • Agency & Partnership 
  • Bar Preview Program (last fall or spring semester or the semester prior to taking the bar exam, whichever comes first) 
  • Corporations 
  • Family Law 
  • Secured Transactions 
  • Wills, Trusts, & Estates 

Registration/Degree Audit

Additional details along with mutual exclusions can be found on the Registration/Degree Audit Worksheet. You may also complete the form and submit it for an advisor to review and send you a list of any outstanding graduation requirements you may have.

Mutual Exclusions

Maximum Aggregate HoursCourse Choices
6 hours in 2 or more of these coursesADR Competition, Corporate Counsel Review, Journal of International Economic Law, Law Review, and Moot Court Competition
Maximum Number AllowedCourse Choices
1 Transactional SkillsCorporate, Energy, International Business, Oil & Gas, or Real Estate
1 Trial AdvocacyCivil, Criminal, or Family
1 of these coursesContract Building Blocks, or Contract Negotiation and Drafting
3 of these coursesPaper Seminars or Supervised Research

System Won’t Let You Register?

Time ConflictOccurs while registering for two classes that overlap in class or exam time.
Credit HoursFall/Spring Intersessions:
Maximum credits 3; Minimum credits 1

Fall/Spring Semesters:
Maximum credits 16; Minimum credits 8

Summer Sessions:
Maximum credits 9; Minimum credits 1

A Course Add/Drop form is necessary for all other credit hour requests.
Professor Consent or Special FormsAny class that requires professor consent will be available for online registration after their consent has been given and an authorization code is provided to the student by the professor.
Pre-requisite and Test Score ErrorSome classes require a pre-requisite or co-requisite for registration. This information is found in the Course Listings. If you wish to request an exception, you must submit a Course Add/Drop/Waiver form to
Financial HOLDS for past due balancesContact Accounting Services immediately at (713) 646-1750

Intersession Hours, Semester Hours, And Overloads

Please note that for financial aid purposes, intersession and semester credit hours will be combined on the registration page. However, it’s important to remember that for registration purposes, intersession hours are counted separately. Ensure that you register for no more than the maximum number of hours allowed per term (based on part-time/full-time status) as indicated below.

If you wish to register for more than 16 credit hours in the fall/spring semesters (excluding intersession hours), you must complete and submit an Overload/Underload Request form to request an overload of up to 17 or 18 credit hours. It’s important to note that submitting an overload request does not guarantee approval. Additionally, please keep in mind that any hours over 16 credit hours will be charged at the hourly tuition rate of $1,337/hr.

TermMaximum Hours for
Part-Time Registration
Maximum Hours for
Full-Time Registration
Fall/Spring Intersession33
Fall/Spring Semester1116
Total Registered Hours14*19

*Up to 21 total registered hours when approved for an 18 overload for the fall/spring semester.

Working Hours Limitation

All full-time students (any student taking 12 hours or more in a semester) must devote substantially all working hours to the study of law.  Consequently, such students may not work at a job more than 20 hours per week.

Note: This includes hours worked in unpaid internships.

All day division students must certify that they adhere to this standard on the student pledge sheet after each exam.

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