Crowd Rises Twice to Honor E.J. Salcines ’63 When He Receives 2021 Dean’s Medal

Home Law School News Crowd Rises Twice to Honor E.J. Salcines ’63 When He Receives 2021 Dean’s Medal

During The Gala 2021 in early October, South Texas College of Law Houston honored The Honorable Emiliano Jose “E.J.” Salcines ’63 with the prestigious Dean’s Medal. The event’s 400 guests gave Salcines two standing ovations!

The former STCL Houston board member and engaged alumnus has played a major role in the campus’ recruiting success for nearly six decades. He noted at the recent event that he was overcome with gratefulness for all South Texas did to transform his life.

Recruited 500-plus students

Salcines helped establish the Florida Students Association in the 1960s while he was still in law school. He has since created a pipeline of law students flowing from Florida to Texas, forging a powerful and unique link between law professionals in Tampa, Houston and across the country. Currently, there are some 500 licensed lawyers and judges in Florida who attended South Texas because of Salcines’ encouragement and mentoring.

Involved with the STCL Houston community

Salcines served on the STCL Houston Board of Directors with distinction for 14 years and was also an honored commencement speaker. The Florida Alumni Chapter at South Texas previously established the “Pass It On” Scholarship in honor of the retired judge for the 2nd District Court of Appeals in Tampa.

Makes the law school proud

Salcines was named Hispanic Man of the Year for Tampa in 2005. He also received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association in 2014. Most recently, the Florida Bar Foundation awarded him the 2021 Medal of Honor Award, the Foundation’s highest honor. Wherever he goes, he is recognized as a thoughtful, wise and compassionate leader. Congrats again, E.J.!

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