Alumnus Has Rare Opportunity to Present Oral Arguments Before Supreme Court Nov. 2; STCL Houston Professors, Advocacy Students Engaged in Preparation Process

Home Law School News Alumnus Has Rare Opportunity to Present Oral Arguments Before Supreme Court Nov. 2; STCL Houston Professors, Advocacy Students Engaged in Preparation Process

The U.S. Supreme Court began its October term Oct. 4. Early next month, South Texas alum Richard A. “Rick” Morris ’91 will argue before the Court in Washington, D.C., and he is spending time on the STCL Houston campus as he prepares to present oral arguments regarding a Houston-based First Amendment case on Nov. 2.

When Morris, a partner at Rogers, Morris and Grover, LLP, received the rare invitation to present oral arguments before the Court, he immediately recalled the exceptional advocacy preparation he received through moot court competitions in the early 1990s with his competition
partner Rob Galloway, JD — STCL Houston’s vice president of advocacy, professor of law, and the W. James Kronzer Jr. Distinguished Professor of Advocacy.

Rick wants to be ready. Because he has always prepared for court in the same way he prepared for competitions while a student at STCL Houston, he thought, “Where else would I go to prepare for the Supreme Court?”

Professor Galloway is guiding the 21 students in his Appellate Litigation clinic to research the justices, to study past court decisions, and to practice the arguments for both sides – with Rick Morris actively involved. The case is Houston Community College System v. Wilson, and Rick represents HCC in this unusual First Amendment case that could have far-reaching implications. Case details are available here.

“South Texas takes pride in our robust experiential learning experiences, including our advocacy programs,” said STCL Houston President and Dean Michael Barry. “We are delighted another South Texas alum has this legal opportunity of a lifetime – and proud that our faculty and students are helping him prepare to stand and say, ‘Ready!’ when he appears before the Court.”

Morris will present Nov. 2 at 10 a.m. central, and everyone interested in this important First Amendment case can listen to live audio of his well-prepared argument before the Supreme Court. Click on “Quick Links” on the Court’s homepage:

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