Federal Work Study

The Federal Work-Study program at South Texas College of Law has several benefits:

  1. Provides financial assistance to students who have financial need and desire to work.
  2. Provides experience and training to students.
  3. Provides networking opportunities with faculty, staff and professionals in the community.
  4. Lowers the amount that you will borrow by decreasing your Graduate PLUS loans.
  5. Allows you to work around your class schedule.

How to apply for Work Study

IMPORTANT: Students must receive their official start date by Student Services prior to working.
This date will be established throughout the fourth phase.

1) Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

  • The Department of Education requires a current FAFSA application on file to demonstrate Financial Need. Please allow 3-5 business days after submission for STCL to receive your FAFSA application.

2) Contact Student Services to confirm your eligibility for Federal Work Study (FWS) employment.

  • Federal Work Study funds that are awarded to eligible students must be included in the Financial Aid Package. This may result in reduction of the Graduate Plus Loan (or the Alternative Loan if applicable) to ensure a student’s total financial assistance remains does not exceed their Cost of Attendance per term.

3) Search an apply for work-study job postings within Symplicity.

  • Once eligibility is established, and FWS funds have been awarded, students may search for open Federal Work Study positions. If it is determined that a student is ineligible for Federal Work Study employment, the student may still search and apply for open College Work Study positions.

4) Complete New Hire, or Re-Hire, paperwork.

  • If you are extended an offer for work study employment, then you will receive communication to complete HR paperwork. Additional documentation needed will consist of proof of identity, employment authorization, and bank account ownership for direct deposit.
  • Student may not begin working until the hiring process is completed.

5) Establish a work schedule and begin employment.

  • Student employees with work with their supervisor to establish a work schedule around their courses not to exceed 20 hours per week.

Eligibility Requirements

To be considered eligible for Federal Work Study employment, students must:

  • Demonstrate financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Accept the Federal Work Study (FWS) award as a part of their Financial Aid Package offer.
  • Meet and maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for financial aid purposes.
  • Must not hold another active student employee position.

For question concerning eligibility please contact the Office of Student Services.

Federal Work Study Q & A

No. Students are only allowed to be actively employed for one Work Study position concurrently.

Yes. Students are able to work as Federal Work Study students with approved firms/agencies. You may search for open positions within Symplicity.

*If a firm/agency is not currently in contract with STCL to hire student workers, then they may contact the Sr. Director of Student Services for more information.

Chandra Gonzalez – cgonzalez@stcl.edu

The current hourly rate of pay is $13.00 per hour for On-Campus positions. Off-campus hourly rates vary by firm/agency.

The current standard FWS award offer is $3,000 per term.

Note: You may be able have your FWS award modified based on your anticipated employment earnings and availability of funding. Please reach out to Student Services for further information.

You can work a maximum of 20 hours per week. You will develop a schedule with your supervisor once you are hired.

Student employee work schedules must:

  • not exceed 20 hours per week
  • not exceed 8 hours per day
  • not conflict with schedule class time
  • not work on holidays, breaks, or during exam week(s).
  • allow for at least a 30-minute break if working a consecutive 6-hour period

Work Study funds are considered earned income and will be paid directly to you on a bi-weekly basis.

It is advised to enroll in direct deposit upon hire to ensure paychecks are received in a timely manner. If direct deposit setup is not established or complete, then a check will be mailed each applicable pay period.

In some cases you may. You should review each job description in order to determine if you meet all of the identifying qualifications for the position.

Although the title of the program is Federal Work-Study, it doesn’t imply that you will have time to study. The primary purpose of the FWS program is to gain experience in an employment setting. If you find that you have completed all of your work, you should ask your supervisor for direction.

Ensure that you have a current FAFSA on file and have confirmed your eligibility with Student Services. Your supervisor must have the job position posted within Symplicity. Once posted, you may apply for the position and your supervisor will initiate the re-hiring process.

Contact the Office of Student Services

General questions and concerns:

Office Student Services and Support
(713) 646-1701

Active student employee questions and concerns:

Christina Nutall, Assistant Director, Student Services
(713) 646-1775

Active/Potential Employer questions and concerns:

Chandra Gonzalez, Senior Director, Student Services
(713) 646-1772

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