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Rule 376b. Duties of Reporters (1978)


(a) The duties of official court reporters shall be performed under supervision of the presiding judge of the court and shall include, but not be limited to:

(1) attending all sessions of court and making a full record of the evidence when requested by the judge or any party to a case, together with all objections to the admissibility of the evidence, the rulings and remarks of the court thereon;

(2) making a full record of jury arguments and voir dire examinations when requested to do so by the attorney for any party to a case, together with all objections to such arguments, the rulings and remarks of the court thereon;

(3) filing all exhibits with the clerk, as required by Rule 75a;

(4) preparing official transcripts of all such evidence or other proceedings, or any portion thereof, subject to the laws of this state, these rules and the instructions of the presiding judge of the court; and

(5) performing such other duties relating to the reporter's official duties as may be directed by the judge presiding.

(b) Exhibits and materials used in the trial of a case and all of the record in a case are subject to such orders as the court may enter thereon.

(c) In case of illness, press of official work, or unavoidable absence or disability of the official court reporter to perform the duties in (a), above, the presiding judge of the court may, in his discretion, authorize a deputy reporter to act in place of and perform the duties of the official reporter.

This is a new rule.

July 11, 1977, eff. Jan. 1, 1978.

Repealed by order of April 10, 1986, eff. Sept. 1, 1986.