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Rule 402. Docketing Causes (1984)


(a) Each matter filed in the Court of Appeals, whether an appeal, writ of error, or original proceed­ing, shall be docketed in the order of filing. A motion relating to an appeal perfected but not yet filed shall be docketed likewise and shall be assigned a number, which shall be also assigned to the appeal when filed.

(b) Before an attorney has filed his brief he may notify the clerk in writing of the fact that he represents a named party to the appeal, which fact shall be by the clerk noted upon the docket, opposite the name of the party for whom he appears, and shall be regarded by the court as having whatever effect is given to the appearance of a party to a case without brief filed. After briefs have been filed, the name of the attorney or attorneys signed to the brief shall be entered by the clerk on the docket, opposite the name of the appropriate party if such names have not already been so entered. The clerk shall add the names of additional counsel on request.

Amended by order of Dec. 5, 1983, eff. April 1, 1984: The provisions concerning docketing of original proceedings and motions and for notation of additional counsel have been added.

Prior Amendments Future Amendments
Oct. 29, 1940, eff. Sept. 1, 1941 Repealed by order of April 10, 1986, eff. Sept. 1, 1986