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Rule 215.5. Failure of Party or Witness to Attend or to Serve Subpoena; Expenses (1999)


(a) Failure of party giving notice to attend. If the party giving the notice of the taking of an oral deposition fails to attend and proceed therewith and another party attends in person or by attorney pursuant to the notice, the court may order the party giving the notice to pay such other party the reasonable expenses incurred by him and his attorney in attending, including reasonable attorney fees.

(b) Failure of witness to attend. If a party gives notice of the taking of an oral deposition of a witness and the witness does not attend because of the fault of the party giving the notice, if another party attends in person or by attorney because he expects the deposition of that witness to be taken, the court may order the party giving the notice to pay such other party the reasonable expenses incurred by him and his attorney in attending, including rea­sonable attorney fees.

Amended by order of Nov. 9, 1998, eff. Jan. 1, 1999.

Notes and Comments

Comments to 1999 change: The references in this rule to other discovery rules are changed to reflect the revisions in those rules, and former Rule 203 is added as Rule 215.5 in place of the former provision, which is superseded by Rule 193.6.

Technical corrections by order of Dec. 31, 1998, eff. Jan. 1, 1999: The first word in the comment to Rule 215 is changed to "The".

Prior Amendments Future Amendments
Oct. 29, 1940, eff. Sept. 1, 1941  
Dec. 5, 1983, eff. April 1, 1984  
July 15, 1987, eff. Jan. 1, 1988  
April 24, 1990, eff. Sept. 1, 1990